To open my mailbox like someone opening a surprise box and to feel the pleasure of discovery unleashed by an envelope decorated with stamps.
To be part of the world and also to discover it this way, with the help of those who share this vision.

Wednesday, 28 April 2021

COVER N. 1 - Austria

Post mark from Ilz. Cover posted on the 21st April and received on the 28th.


My first cover has arrived. and what a beauty it is. Thank you so much Florian.

It is fitting that I inaugurate my collection with a cover from a country beginning with an A, although in true form, as shown on the beautiful stamps on the cover, it should be filed under the "O" flap of the binder.

I couldn't be happier.

The stamps are both 2020 issues.  

The 5 and 10 cent stamps are part of a 16 stamp definitive issue themed on accessories used in conjunction with traditional costumes. The 5 cent stamp shows an astrakhan cap from the region of Seewinkel, in the province of Burgenland and the 10 cent a Wheel Bonnet typical of the Bodensee-Voralberg region.

The 85 cent stamp is a one stamp issue, depicting a Chanterelle mushroom side by side with a " Schwarzdruck" (a black print) of the same stamp, a philatelic item that is a total novelty to me. Again a huge thanks to Florian for such a nice item.

Friday, 16 April 2021

Day 1

Today I've created this blog. 

There's nothing new or innovative in it, just a way to bring to fruition an idea that has been on my mind for some time, and that of course has been put to good effect by many others, long before me.

These days, we hardly receive any letters. Gone are the days when you'd open your mailbox to find (even in the not so pleasant mail sent out by the water or power supply company or the revenue authority, for instance 😀) envelopes decorated with one or several square bits of colour, culture and history, that we'd lovingly collect in shoe boxes, drawers or (for those more organised and serious about the hobby) well cared for and maintained albums.

I don't know if it is only plain nostalgia or a recurrence of an everlasting benign virus... the fact is that I decided I'd try collecting covers with stamps from around the world, profiting from the increased contact capabilities now at everyone's hand, brought about by the internet.

So let's see how well I fare: I've identified some collectors on the web who share this passion too and I've emailed them asking if they would want to swap covers with me... let's wait for their answers.

My material is ready: I've gone to the post office and bought 10 sets of  the latest stamp issue by CTT, the Portuguese Post. I'll send a cover with the full set to anyone willing to do the same in return.

If successful, I'll share my results here.

Below are images of  the stamps I'll be sending. The issue celebrates the centenary of the Liga dos Combatentes an institution set up in the aftermath of the first world war to support war veterans and the families of those that perished or were badly wounded in combat.

Image credit: "Philately" section of the CTT website