To open my mailbox like someone opening a surprise box and to feel the pleasure of discovery unleashed by an envelope decorated with stamps.
To be part of the world and also to discover it this way, with the help of those who share this vision.

Thursday, 6 March 2025


Postmarks: 119 00 Praha 022 22.02.2025 / Praha 012 Hrad 22.02.25 / 222 00 Praha 022 24.02.2025

Posted on the 22nd February; Received on the 4th March 2025


Quite a strange letter from Alex, this time, in that it shown nothing less than 3 different postmarks, all applied at different stations. Danke Sehr, Alex. Quite an uncommon letter....

The small, but quite beautiful, stamp used is the "Pampeliška" (Dandelion) Tariff E definitive, issued on 23MAY2019, part of the definitive series started in 2002, dedicated to the beauty of flowers.

What I find odd, apart from the obviously unnecessary mechanical postmark applied upside down and totally obliterating the interesting Prague castle pictorial cancel, is the coexistence of the latter with the manual postmark over the stamp, both dated of the same day. This seems to indicate that the Castle postmark was first applied on the bare envelope, the  stamp and 119 00 obliteration having probably been applied at a different P. O.  on the same date. Pity about the upside down postmark..... :-(.

A simple cover, and yet interesting, nonetheless.