To open my mailbox like someone opening a surprise box and to feel the pleasure of discovery unleashed by an envelope decorated with stamps.
To be part of the world and also to discover it this way, with the help of those who share this vision.

Sunday 14 May 2023

COVER N. 244 - British Overseas Territories - Gibraltar 

Postmark: Royal Gibraltar Post Office - Main Office - 30.03.2023 

Posted on the 30th March; Received on the 2nd May 2023

I have said here that some people should be Honoris Causa members of my humble blog, for all the care and attention they contribute in the form of sundry covers from the most unexpected places. 

Eric is another such case. I've lost track of how many times I wrote him just to say  "Thank You" for yet another outstanding addition to my herbarium of letters.

Although he is geographically much closer to me that his family name would lead me to believe, we have never met and we’ve exchanged but some short email messages. This hasn't kept him from making sure that my list of countries and territories keeps growing at a steady pace, many a time due to his overgenerous contributions. 

Such incredible generosity humbles me and I do try to reciprocate as often as possible, but it isn't easy to be at the same level....

This last batch of covers bearing his ... aura?  (for some of them don't even have sender information) is as diverse as it could be and all great additions as usual, Again, all I can say is  "Muito Obrigado, Eric!"

Gibraltar... the Rock, the place where you have to wait for the traffic light to turn green to cross an airport's runway, if you want to go to town.... right in front of Algeciras, with the larger than life statue of larger than life Paco de Lucia next to the port, turning his back on his Majesty's subjects while filling the city with the unforgettable fire of his incomparable "rasgueados" .... 

Irrespective of who is right, (and I won't go there, since it seems the question  is a really complex affair) the notion of "Overseas Territories" in the 21st century, for me, a citizen of what was once an empire also, sounds awkward, to say the least.... mainly because it'll will never cease to be paired with the notion of "Empire" itself .... 

This reminds me  that the term "Imperial", in the southern half of the Portuguese rectangle, has quite a different connotation, not even being an adjective, but a noun.

Maybe one day, the Prime-ministers of both monarchies may come to a definitive agreement over a couple of Portuguese cold and bubbling "Imperiais", for such is the name we give to a well drafted half-pint on any bar, tavern or restaurant in town!


Stamps, left to right:

- The theme of the 1882 EUROPA stamp issues was "Historic Events"

Gibraltar issued two stamps on 11JUN1982 (14 and 17 p) highlighting the role of the Rock in the building up of Operation Torch, the invasion of the then French North Africa.

The one on my cover evokes the episode of the meeting of Generals Henri Giraud and Dwight Eisenhower in Gibraltar, when the former was invited by the latter to be the commander of the French troops for the operation, something Giraud refused at first, because he thought that the operation should be commanded by a Frenchman (himself).

This notwithstanding, after the assassination of the appointed commander, General Darlan,  Giraud would  assume this role,  effectively becoming the Commander of the French Forces in North Africa.

The companion stamp is illustrated with what looks like spitfires and probably hurricanes, highlighting the strategic role of Gibraltar not only for Operation Torch, bus also has a sentinel guarding the entry of the Mediterranean.

- Winston Churchill needs no introducing.

Celebrating the 75th anniversary of VE Day, the 8th May, on 25MAR2020, Gibraltar Post issued a five stamp and one souvenir sheet set, evocative of the date.

The 4£ souvenir sheet can be seen on my cover  with a photography of Winston making his famous V sign to the crowd from a balcony in Whitehall, on the 8th May 1945. Little did he know that coming the next elections....

Winston Churchil is also featured on another stamp on the cover, part of a five stamp set (22; 64; 70 and 80 p) issued on 20MAR2015, on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of Churchill's death. 

Winston here is depicted inspecting what looks like Willys jeeps on a port...  a photo related with the invasion of France, I would say, but I'm just guessing.

The last stamp - 19 p - on the cover is part of the 1983 EUROPA issue, themed on "Great Achivements of Human Genious", which saw the light of day on 21MAY1983.

It depicts the "water catchment slopes" that from 1903 to 1991 insured that rain falling on the sand slopes on the east side of the promontory, covered with corrugated iron sheets, would be collected  so as to supply water to the inhabitants since no other sources of the precious liquid were at the time available. In 1991, desalinisation plants began to operate and the area has been renaturalised, restoring the old habitats.

The companion stamp on this two stamp set was used by Eric on another covr he had sent me before, and can be seen here.

The letter was registered, hence the high postage and the "registered" sticker.

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