To open my mailbox like someone opening a surprise box and to feel the pleasure of discovery unleashed by an envelope decorated with stamps.
To be part of the world and also to discover it this way, with the help of those who share this vision.

Wednesday 15 May 2024


Postmark: Bureau Philatélique 69 - Lyon Bellecour 10.05.2023

Posted on the 10th May; received on the 14th May 2024


La Charpente. the wooden framework that supports the roof of Notre-Dame is now in place as the reconstruction works progress so that the most famous church of France, arguably the second most famous church in the world, second only to Saint Peter's Basilica in the Vatican, can again open its doors to the faithful and the curious before the end of the current year.

Un énorme Merci à Eric pour cette lettre which allows me to complete my collection of covers posted with the souvenir sheets of the Trésors de Notre Dame series, started in 2020.

I read the release notes for the souvenir sheet and watched a couple of videos on the internet on the Charpente reconstruction and I have to say that it was nothing short of amazing (as of course is all the reconstruction work of such an ioportant monument).

About 1400 oak trees had to give their life so that the necessary timber could be made available to execute the intricate woodwork, an operation that called on the expertise of a team of dedicated carpenters who replicated in every single detail, down to the personal markings of their colleagues who had rebuilt the roof following a previous fire in the 18th century, the original structure.

Special tools were also made to work the wood and the original joining techniques were also followed to ensure the most exact replication possible. 

A nice touch was also added by the new carpenters who, like their colleagues of yore, also inscribed their own personal markings, in a rather discreet manner, of course, in the wooden beams.
It is great to see that in spite of the terrible fire that ravaged through its wall, this amazing UNESCO World Heritage Site is on its way to regain its former splendour. 

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