To open my mailbox like someone opening a surprise box and to feel the pleasure of discovery unleashed by an envelope decorated with stamps.
To be part of the world and also to discover it this way, with the help of those who share this vision.

Friday 31 May 2024


Postmark: Bureau Philatélique 48 - Mende RP 21.05.2024

Posted on the 21st May; received on the 28th May 2024


A very clean and dandy cover from France, with a quite classy "Par avion" footer, Une lettre absolument charmante. Un grand Merci, Daniel!

 “Espèces Protegées d'outre-mer”, such was the title of the nice mini-sheet issued on 30APR2007, comprising 4 stamps ( 2 x 0,54; 0,60 and 0,84 €)  illustrated with endangered species which can be found  scattered throughout the French territories in the Pacific and South America.  

Barau's petrel, (Pterodroma baraui) the seabird on the 86 cent stamp, is a regular although endangered, presence in Reunion Island, the main breeding location for the species.

The Lesser Antillean iguana (Iguana delicatissima) - left 54 cent stamp - a critically endangered species, can be found in the Antillean French Islands of the Caribbean, although it is considered extinct in the French side of Saint Martin.

The Guadeloupe racoon subspecies  (Procyon lotor minor) is endemic to both main Guadeloupe Islands, in the Caribbean and since 1996 it is considered an endangered species, by IUCN.

Daniel completed postage with  two  0,01 € stamps of the Marianne L'engagée set, issued on 09NOV2018.

The Postmark indicates that the letter was posted at the Bureau Philatélique of Mende, a city of some 12,000 inhabitants in the department of Lozère of the Occitania region, in the south of France.

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