To open my mailbox like someone opening a surprise box and to feel the pleasure of discovery unleashed by an envelope decorated with stamps.
To be part of the world and also to discover it this way, with the help of those who share this vision.

Saturday 15 June 2024

COVERS N. 468/469 - FRANCE

Postmark: Charles Aznavour 1924-2018 Paris La Poste 1er Jour 30.05.2024

Posted on 30th May; received on the 7th and 12 June 2024


Charles Aznavour (1924-2028) ....Shahnour Vaghinagh Aznavourian... the Franco-Armenian singer, songwriter, actor who had a very long and successful artistic life, something which is not always the case with artists, so subjected to the whims of the public that they are....  he lived a long life indeed,  brightened until the very end  by the  rays of  the spotlights of the innumerable stages where he sang for a faithful audience of unconditional fans.

Even though I am not particularly fond of his music, it is obvious that he had a very personal impact in the history of French and European popular music in the 20th century, songs like La Bohème or She being sang and known not only in France and Europe, but really all across the world. 

Aznavour also lent his name, fame and money to several humanitarian projects especially in Armenia,   after the 1998 earthquake, first with the Association Aznavour and much later in 2016 with the Aznavour Foundation.

His artistic and humanitarian roles were rightly acknowledged by the French and Armenian States during his lifetime, Charles Aznavour having received several decorations and accolades bestowed upon him by both states and also by Canada and Belgium

Such an notorious person could not go by without his face on a stamp and 5 years past his death in 2018, La Poste issued on 03JUN2024 the 1,96€ stamp bearing his face, which Stephane and Eric used to kindly send me on First Day Covers.

Un grand merci!

The first day postmark, issued in Paris, in both cases, contains a reproduction of Aznavour's signature.

Speaking of signatures,  Eric's cover is autographed by the stamp designer, Mr. Hom Nguyen, a talented self-taught artist, born in 1972, in Paris whose biography is well worth reading, since it is quite inspirational as are his magnificent portraits.

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