To open my mailbox like someone opening a surprise box and to feel the pleasure of discovery unleashed by an envelope decorated with stamps.
To be part of the world and also to discover it this way, with the help of those who share this vision.

Saturday 22 June 2024


Postmark: Pokémon Paris La Poste 30.05.2024

Posted on the 30th May; received on the 12 June 2024


I have to confess that I could never understand the Pokémon craze. Originally a video game, I believe, the creatures created by Japanese game designer Satoshi Tajiri evolved to become a multimillion dollar brand that, at one point, had people old enough to know better, stopping at the most strange and unexpected places holding their cell phones against their faces, trying to catch an elusive video game character.... I must be getting old and either dumb or just plain idiot, but I really can't understand some of today's epiphenomenal trends....

That said, who wouldn't want to have a cover on his collection autographed by the designer of the stamps on it? So, un très grand Merci, Eric, for again sending me a very interesting addition to my covers stash.

On 30MAY2024 La Poste issued a 12 self-adhesive "Lettre Verte" stamps set in booklet format, dedicated to  Pokemon characters.

Further to Poussacha and  Lucario (left and right on the cover) the  following characters also feature on stamps of this set: Dracaufeu, Pikachou, Miaouss, Psykokwak, Ectoplasma, Évoli, Ronflex, Mewtwo, Chochodile and Coiffeton.

As noted above, the envelope is autographed by the designer of the stamps and of the first day  Postmark, Mr. Étienne Théry

Got to go...  chasing Pókemons.... 😀

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