To open my mailbox like someone opening a surprise box and to feel the pleasure of discovery unleashed by an envelope decorated with stamps.
To be part of the world and also to discover it this way, with the help of those who share this vision.

Thursday 6 June 2024


Postmark: no postmark

Posted on ?; received on the 3rd June 2024


"He who doesn't have a dog, hunts with a cat", so says and old Portuguese adagio, which I think could perfectly be used in this particular occasion.

I got a cover sent by an Argentinean collector with a note inside, explaining how hard it was for him to participate in a cover circuit, given the difficulties in locally obtaining stamps and the the impact of rampant inflation on things as easy as posting a letter.

My country has gone through some really bad economic times, but Argentina has been in permanent economic upheaval for I can't remember how long and I sincerely hope the Argentineans will one day soon find a way of  for once and for all solving the equation that has been causing so much socio-economic trouble... 

So, Muchas gracias, Amílcar. I know your Canadian letter holds the beauty of  the pampas and Patagonia, inside!

The vintage travel poster set of  five "P" tariff stamps from which the poster advertising the cruise of the great lakes, replicating a poster issued in the 1930s,  was issued on 09JUN2022.

The Madonna and Child stamp, featuring a painting by 15th century Italian artist Master of the Castello Nativity was issued on 01NOV2016 as one of the annual Christmas issues of Canada Post.

The Gardenia was the flower chosen for the "flowers" issue of Canadian Post in 2019, the two "P" tariff stamps which, as ususal, are included in the set, of which one can be seen on the cover, having been issued on Valentine's day, 14FEV2029.

No postmark was applied on this letter. 

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