To open my mailbox like someone opening a surprise box and to feel the pleasure of discovery unleashed by an envelope decorated with stamps.
To be part of the world and also to discover it this way, with the help of those who share this vision.

Thursday 13 June 2024


Postcard sent on the 1st June (?), received on the 6th April 2024

Postcard image: Klosterman Watch tower in Javornik

Another great postcard  with a  watchtower in the Sumava mountains, the Czech Republic.  This time the Klosterman Tower in Javornik.  Děkuju mockrát, Michal!

The tower, located near the town of Vacov can be climbed up to the top, to enjoy the great scenic views, if one is willing to climb the 196 steps that conquer its 39.6 metres of height.

I could not find any particular information of the date of building of the tower, nor about the person after which it is named, a Mr. K. Kosterman, whose statue  is featured in the middle medallion photo on the postcard. 

The Postcard legend  celebrates the 10th anniversary of the restoration of the tower and the two other medallions, the top features the St. Anthony chapel, located just before entering the forest at Javornik, and that on the bottom of the postcard, a wooden cabin, which I presume to be located in Javornik, also.

the postcard features two stamp marks, the smaller one with what I presume is the  tower mascot, and the other with the legend "Reopening ceremony of the Klosterman Tower; Javornik 1066 m above sea level; 5 July 2003.

The tariff E stamp Michal used, was issued on 30NOV2021 and it is illustrated with the image of one of the iconic religious symbols of Prague, the Infant Jesus of Prague,  a wooden statue of the Child Jesus, whose origin can be traced back to 556, which can be seen in the Discalced Carmelite Church of Our Lady of Victories located in the Malá Strana (the lesser town) area of the city.

The postmark hails from the city of Ceske Budejovice.


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