To open my mailbox like someone opening a surprise box and to feel the pleasure of discovery unleashed by an envelope decorated with stamps.
To be part of the world and also to discover it this way, with the help of those who share this vision.

Thursday 4 July 2024


Postmark: Beida-Bordj 19021 05.06.2024

Posted on 5th June; received on the 2nd July 2024


A cover from Algeria with beautiful stamps. Just what I needed to wear off the bloody Covid virus that made me feel for quite a few days that I had been ran over by all my local buses, trains and metro carriages of the public transportation system.

I am now finally getting back to my own self again, but do take care. Infections are on the rise again and I, at least, had a nastier time than the last time....

So Thanks a lot, Fateh. Looking at beautiful stamps does help me to feel better.

- The  Desert Monitor (Varanus griseus) is a widespread and common carnivorous lizard which can grow up to 2 metres long and which  be found across the North of Africa all the way to northern India. 
The members of the species are known to be an excellent swimmers and runners, although in the later case  they can only maintain their speed for little time, after which they go back to their usual slow motion stance. In spite of being considered as “Least Concern”, in terms of conservation status, their numbers are slowly decreasing, due to loss of habitat and also for being hunted for their skins.

The 8.60 dinar stamp is part of a two stamp set (2; 8,60 dinar) dedicated to reptiles, issued on 20NOV1993.

- The Cuvier's gazelle (Gazella cuvieri) is endemic to the Atlas Mountains in North Africa, where it can be found living at up to 2,600 meters above sea level.

This member of the Bovidae family  is listed by IUCN as “Endangered”, due to overhunting and habitat loss.

The 6,20 dinar The stamp bearing its image was issued on 13MAR1992, as part of a three stamp set (1,50; 6,20; 8,60 dinar) dedicated to gazelles.

- A common site where I live, where it is considered the herald of spring, the barn swallow is the most widespread swallow species in the world and can be found in all continents but Antarctica, being classified as “Least Concern” by IUCN.

Another least concern species is the Pharaoh Eagle-Owl (Bubo ascalaphus), which can be found in the arid and desertic regions of northern Africa and the Middle East.

The two stamps illustrated with the picture of both these birds are part of  a three stamp set (20; 25and 30 dinars) dedicated to flying animals, issued on  24FEB2020, (the third stamp being dedicated to a bat).

The mechanical postmark was applied at the city of Beida-Bordj, located in the south of the country.

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