To open my mailbox like someone opening a surprise box and to feel the pleasure of discovery unleashed by an envelope decorated with stamps.
To be part of the world and also to discover it this way, with the help of those who share this vision.

Sunday 25 August 2024

 COVER N. 498 - Sri Lanka

Postmark: Headquarters P. O. Colombo Mail 24.07.2024

Posted on the 24th July; Received on the 14th August 2024


Ravindra's torrent of mail keeps flowing into my letterbox as if  a "letterfall" is feeding it 😃. Bohomȧ  sthoothi, Ravindra!

This time I got a  cover with three more stamps from the nice waterfalls of Sri Lanka mini-sheet. 

Ravindra has been sending so much letters and postcards with beautiful images of his country that Sri Lanka is now highly placed on my "one day" list. Sadly we will have to wait a bit longer in order to be able to travel during the best visiting period so that we can accommodate the dates into the work schedule of my wife, but the objective is set!

As mentioned above, the three stamps on the cover are part of a set issued as a 10 x 50 rupee mini-sheet, dating of 02FEB0224, themed on Sri Lankan waterfalls.

three stamps from the set were already mentioned in this blog, two in the post for cover #439, and one in the post for Postcard #155.

From left to right we now have:

- Surathali Ella Waterfall 

With a drop of 60 meters, Surathaçi Waterfall is located in the Ratnapura District and is originated by the waters of River Kadawath, collected at the Sri Pada Reserve’s Ellamana mountain range.

- Hatmale Ella Waterfall 

Hatmale Ella waterfall comprises seven segments ("Hatmala", hence the name.,.) totalling an height of  45 metres and a width of 10 meters. The fall is generated by water descending from the  Deniyaya Gongala mountain range and is located some 7 km out of Deniyaya town.

-  Gerandi Ella Waterfall

Located close to Gerandi Ella village, in the Passara Provincial Secretariat, the fall comprises several steps that lead the water into the Lokkgal Oya River, down below.

All in all, three very nice stamps from a theme that is quite dear to me, since I cannot go past a place with a waterfall without visiting it... 

As usual, the postmark hails from Colombo's central P.O.

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