To open my mailbox like someone opening a surprise box and to feel the pleasure of discovery unleashed by an envelope decorated with stamps.
To be part of the world and also to discover it this way, with the help of those who share this vision.

Monday 16 September 2024


Postmark: Headquarters P. O. Colombo Mail 26.08.24

Posted on the 26th August; Received on the 8th September 2024


Gosh...this time Ravindra chose to surprise me with something quite unique: the longest existing stamp, it seems.

This is quite an addition to the collection. I couldn’t be more grateful to you, for making it possible for me to have a cover embellished with  one of these, Ravindra.

From what I read, each year in Sri Lanka, at the Temple of the Tooth Relic, in Kandy, (which houses what is said to be one of Buddha's four teeth which were retrieved from his body upon his cremation)  a 10 day festival is held in honour of Buddha, also as a way to ask for timely rains and good harvests.

The long processions (I read the comments of someone who witnessed one that went on for 3 hours)  are participated by musicians singers, dancers and acrobats and also by elephants. In one of the processions, one of the elephants carries the sacred casket which holds a replica of the tooth relic.

The lengthy procession is now perfectly transposed to a... lengthy stamp, 20.5 cm long, illustrated with images of the event, wherein, as above stated, dancers, acrobats , musicians and elephants parade, the later lavishly decorated in colourful garments, alongside the one tasked (or tusked, should I say...) with the privilege of carrying the holly relic (second elephant from the right). 

Great cover to have in the collection! Bohomȧ  sthoothi, Ravindra!

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