To open my mailbox like someone opening a surprise box and to feel the pleasure of discovery unleashed by an envelope decorated with stamps.
To be part of the world and also to discover it this way, with the help of those who share this vision.

Thursday 10 October 2024


Postmark:  66. Wrzesień Jeleniogórski, Pokaz kolekcjonersko-filatelistyczny Jelenia Góra 10.09.2024

Posted on the 12th September; Received on the 3rd October 2024


A cover from Poland with a nice cancellation from a philatelic show which Roman tells me is held every August/September in the town of Jelenia Góra (Stag Mountain), in the southwest of Poland.
Dziękujemy, Roman!

Thanks to Roman's notes I understand that each year the local Philatelic Circle organises a show within the scope of a larger local event, called "Days of Jelenia Góra", for which a cancellation is designed, highlighting an interesting objet related to the town. 

This year, for the 66th philatelic show, the chosen landmark selected to be featured in the special cancellation was a monument to a young stag (the stag being of course present in the town's coat of arms) which is just one of several stag statues which, Roman tells me, exist in Jelenia Góra.


- Continuing, most appropriately, on the stag theme, Roman used a 3.9 Zloty stamp issued on 10MAY2023, celebrating the 100th anniversary of the Polish Hunting Association.

- The 2 Zloty stamp on the right corner was issued on 14OCT2023, on the occasion of the  250th anniversary of the funding of what is considered to be the first ministry of education ever created: the Commission of National Education, established on the same date in 1773 in what was then the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, its first chairman being the bishop of Vilnius, Ignacy Massalski, whose portrait illustrates the stamp.

- As I understand it The Pocztowy Dar Foundation is social responsibility organisation,  established within the scope of the  Polish Post, with the aim of providing social help for particular situations.

The 4.70 zloty stamp on the cover illustrated with its logo  is dedicated to it and was issued on 04DEC2020.

Further to the commemorative cancelation, the cover contains a regular postmark from the Jelenia Góra post office, dated of the 12, September.

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