To open my mailbox like someone opening a surprise box and to feel the pleasure of discovery unleashed by an envelope decorated with stamps.
To be part of the world and also to discover it this way, with the help of those who share this vision.

Saturday 12 October 2024


Postcard sent on the 13th September, received on the 4th October 2024

Postcard image: the Seven Cities lagoon in S.Miguel island


Another postcard sent me by The Phantom, from his recent stay in the Azores. This time from quite a special place: the Lagoa das Sete Cidades. Danke Sehr, Alex!

The Seven Cities lagoon is one of the many natural wonders of the Azores. It is a lagoon created by the  collapse of the walls of an ancient volcano thus forming a 2 x 4,2 km caldera whose 30 metres deep waters are separated by a narrow canal with a bridge thus forming a blue lagoon on one side and a green one on the other.

Legend has it that the colours of the waters of the lagoon are due to the tears of a shepherd and a princess who were madly in love but could not be married due to the differences in their social standings. The shepherd had green eyes and the princess blue, and they cried so much that they filled both sides of the lagoon with their tears....

In truth, the green is just the reflection of the forest trees that surround the green side, while the blue is the reflection from the sky, but I'd rather stick to the other explanation, if you'd ask myself....

Alex used a N20 (Domestic 20g) self-adhesive definitive stamp from the !st groups of definitives dedicated to Portuguese numismatics, issued  on 22APR2020, illustrated with the image of an Asse, a Roman bronze coin, from dating from the II-I centuries BC, this particular specimen having been found in Alcácer do Sal, a town on the banks of the river Sado, and one of the oldest European ones, having been founded by the Phoenician earlier than the year 1,000 BC.

The Postmark hails from S. Roque, a parish of Ponta Delgada, the Capital of the Administrative Capital of the Azores Autonomous Region, located in the Island of S. Miguel.

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