To open my mailbox like someone opening a surprise box and to feel the pleasure of discovery unleashed by an envelope decorated with stamps.
To be part of the world and also to discover it this way, with the help of those who share this vision.

Friday, 27 December 2024


Postmark: Agencia Boliviana de Correos -  Recaudacion  - Admission - La Paz 03.12.2024

Posted on the 3rd December; Received on the 24th December 2024


La Paz, I would swear that in the whole wide world there is not a more beautifully named city. La Paz, the city of Peace, high in the Andean Plateau... and I got a letter from there on Xmas Eve... if only it could be a sign of things to come... La Paz coming to all men... even those of ill will....

Thank you so much whoever was it that made sure I'd get it... There's a sender on the cover, but I do suspect that there was someone else behind this nice Xmas present. I couldn't be more thankful!

Breaking News, Have just confirmed it... the usual suspect... none other than my friend the Flying Dutchman.. :-) Gracias Daniel e Muito Obrigado, Eric!

There are rare birds and then there are those that are almost illusive, to the point of being thought forever gone. The  Apolo cotinga, or Palkachupa (Phibalura boliviana), went unseen to human eyes for a period two years short of a century. The last sighting of the species had occurred in 1902, until in 2000, in was rediscovered in the region of Apolo.

Total population of this passerine of the Contigidae family was calculated in 2011 to number about 600 individuals all distributed in  the same living area and it is considered to be highly endangered due to loss of its habitat, the moist high altitude savana,  caused by extensive agriculture and cattle raising. IUCN lists it as Endangered.

On 18OUT2017, Correos de Bolivia issued a two stamp set dedicated to endangered bird species featuring the Palkachupa in the 0,5 Boliviano stamp (two on the cover) and the Horned curassow (Pauxi unicornis) on the 3 Boliviano stamp.

Cacique Enriquillo (1498-1535) a native of what is now the Dominican Republic was the leader of the first uprising against the Spanish colonisers in 1519. A national hero for the Dominicans, his statue, which is replicated in the 23 Bolivianos stamp on the cover issued on November 2024,  celebrating the friendly relations between Bolivia and the Dominican Republic, can be seen in the Museum of the Dominican Man, in Santo Domingo.

The very neat bi-colour postmark was applied at La Paz... and I have to say it again... what a beautiful name for a city.....

Sunday, 22 December 2024


Postmark: Headquarters P. O. Colombo Mail 10.09.24

Posted on the 11th December; Received on the 18th December 2024


 'Tis the Season to be Jolly, and as I said before a propos my friend Fraser's Xmas letter, there are still good will people who skip the email apps to send their wishes for the Season replacing them with the traditional card card on a letter with Xmas stamps.

Ravindra is one such kind case. Bohomȧ  sthoothi, Ravi!

I have to confess I was a bit intrigued. I knew that Christianism in its several forms is not one of the most professed religions in Sri Lanka. In fact, it seems it ranks 4th, after Buddhism (70), Hinduism (13%) and  Islamism (10%), being the cult of approximately 8% of the population.

So in times like the ones we live in, when religions seem so many times to be more a dividing and conflicting factor than a common ground for understanding, it is nice to see a country with a Christian minority, issue a nice set of stamp celebrating Christmas, what can only be seen as a measure of tolerance and religious freedom, something I strongly believe in, even if being an agnostic.

The beautiful souvenir sheet with two stamps (110 and 50 Rupees) illustrated with Nativity scenes was issued by Sri Lanka Post on 30NOV2024.

Quoting direct from a page that is devoted to him "Vincent Subasinghe (1906 - 1985) was a Sri Lankan philanthropist, social worker, social entrepreneur and an active member of Sri Lankan renaissance movement during the British colonial times. He is considered to be the “father of the cooperative movement" in Sri Lanka". 

Honouring his memory, Sri Lanka Post issued on 24AUG2024 a 50 rupee stamp featuring his effigy and the Sri Lanka co-operative movement logo.

Postmark from the P.O. Headquarters, in Colombo, as usual.

Saturday, 21 December 2024


Postmark: Antananarivo Antanimena Madagascar 28.10.2024

Posted on the 28th October; Received on the 16th December 2024


Madagascar, the land of Imense baobabs, outlandish lemurs and intriguing chameleons....How could I not be nothing less than elated to be able to add a cover from this rather uncommon origin to my collection?

Hartelijk dank, Eric, Muito obrigado! Once again, "with a little help from my friends" finds a fitting translation into this humble blog.

Independent since 1960, this former French colony in the Indian ocean, the 4th largest island in the world, separated from the African Continent by the Mozambique Canal is famous for its biodiversity, with 90% of the species therein living being endemic and as such not be  found everywhere else.

Judging from the cover Eric so kindly made sure I would get, stamp diversity is also an attribute of the Island state, and no less than 6 different stamps were used to post the cover to Portugal. 

Strangely enough a CN222 Customs declaration sticker was also affixed tot he envelope, at a given moment of its transit, and it had to be lifted upon arrival, since it was covering the information about the Post Code in my address.

Claude Debussy (1862-1918) .... la mer.... claire de lune... la cathédrale engloutie... some of the most beautiful piano scores of the early 20th century bear the signature of this French  composer considered to be the first of the impressionist composers.

On 29SEP1988, the Postal Services of Madagascar issued a six stamp set dedicated to Musicians, which included the stamp on the cover dedicated to Debussy, illustrated with his effigy and a scene from his sole opera, Pelias et Melisande, in the background.

The other stamps on the set were dedicated to Carl Philippe E. Bach (80 MFr); Franz Schubert (250 MFr); Georges Bizet (170 MFr); George Gershwin (550MFr) and Elvis Presley (1500 MFr)

A one stamp souvenir sheet was also issued (1500MFr), and it featured Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov.

Nothing against good old Elvis, but to see him in the company of the other 5 makes him look sort of "the odd man out" of the group.

A set of 5 definitive stamps dedicated to the cultivation of Rice, was issued in 2001,  all stamps being identical except for the dominant colour (and value, of course) . The blue stamp, originally with a face value of 1120 Ariary (the national currency of Madagascar, introduced in 1960) was again reissued in 2021, with a 1000 Ariary surcharge, as featured on the cover.

As expected from a place with such rich biodiversity, Flora and Fauna are common Madagascar stamp issue themes. The 5000 stamp featuring a  Propithecus candidus,  a critically endangered lemur, was issued on 15JUN2015aas part of a three stamp set which also featured two members of the Plantae kingdom:  a  1500 Ariary stamp with a photo of an Hildegardia ankaranensis and a 1000 Ariary stamp with a photo of a Ouratea obtusifolia, both of these being local endemic plants, I suspect.

The ubiquitous  Goldfish (Carassius auratus) sadly swimming around and around in many a small water pot in many a children's room around the world is the theme of the single stamp souvenir sheet with a face value of 20000 MFr, issued on 27MAY1994. Further to the souvenir sheet, the issue comprised another seven fish tank beauties depicted on 10; 30; 45; 95; 2x 140 and 3,500 MFr.

Zheng He was a Chinese navigator, born in 1371 in what is now Jinnin, in the province of Yunnan.

Among his navigation feats were seven voyages undertaken between 1405 and 1431 in the Pacific and  Indian Oceans  and also the in the Persian Gulf. Some claim he also reached America during his maritime explorations.

On 16OCT1997, the Postal Service of Madagascar, issued a 5700 MFr  one stamp souvenir sheet celebrating the valiant explorer. 2 of the satmps were used on the cover, the one on the right having been glued onto de frame of the souvenir sheet, hiding it from view.

World Post day is celebrated every year on the 9th October and as its is well known it is not uncommon for Postal Services to issue celebratory stamps for the occasion.

The  300 MFr on the cover with a map of Madagascar with a logo on top that I would suspect to be the emblem of the Postal Services at the time was issued on 21OCT1997.

The postmark was applied at the country's capital, Antananarivo.

Friday, 20 December 2024


Postmark: A CC Beiramar Shopping Florianopolis - SC 14.11.2024

Posted on the 14th November; Received on the 11th December 2024


The second cover from Brazil that I got on the same day, this time from Lucia. Muito obrigado, Lucia.


For the main postage on the cover, Lucia used a pair of stamps from the recent issue dedicated to unconventional food plants, in itself an unconventional theme too, albeit a rather interesting one.

Some of these stamps had already been used by Luis on cover #502 so this is an adequate opportunity  for continuing the comments I incuded regarding that particular cover.

As such these two stamps are part of the  6 x "1º Porte de Carta" set issued on 23ABR2024 by the Empresa Brasileira de Correios e Telégrafos, dedicated to unconventional food plants. 

Further to the  stamp illustrated with a  Vinagreira (Hibiscus sabdariffa), that had already been used on cover #502, Lucia used a stamp illustrated with the Xanthosoma taioba, or just Taioba, in Brazil, a member of the Araceae family, whose leaves and corms are edible and very commonly so.

Candido Portinari was an outstanding painter and muralist. during his lifetime he produced a large corpus of works which can now be seen in such important places like the United Nations Headquarters, the Library of Congress or the MOMA  in the US, or the Museu de Arte de S. Paulo, in his native Brazil.

His work is profoundly marked by social themes as  typical of the neo-realist school and I am glad had the chance to see one of his paintings once in the Portuguese Museum of Neo-Realism, in Vila Franca de Xira, in a temporary exhibition.

On 26MAY2004 Correios do Brasil issued a five stamp definitive set  (0.55; 0.80; 0.95; 1.15 and 1.50 Reais) themed on the missing paintings of Candido Portinari. 

In fact, most of the painter's works are "hidden away" in private collections so his son João Candido Portinari founded in 1979 "Projecto Portinari" with which he aims at giving the people the opportunity to get to know the invaluable work of his father.

This stamp set should be seen in the light of this objective too, I presume, and the  1.5 Real stamp  which can be seen on the lower left corner of the cover, depicts a painting called Marcel  Gontrau, created as part of a set of illustrations for an edition of André Maurois' Romans.

 The Postmark indicates that the letter was mailed from a post office installed in a shopping mall - Beira Mar Shopping - in the city of Florianópolis, the Capital city of the State of Santa Catarina in the south of Brazil.

Thursday, 19 December 2024


Postmark: A C Central SE/SPM 250.11.2024

Posted on the 25th November; Received on the 11th December 2024


Muito obrigado Luis, for this cover with stamps evocative of  old times, and also for the stamps inside it.

Valve radios. I will never forget the beautiful Nordmende radio that my father had bought probably before I was born and from which all the music that accompained me during my formative years untill I was about 15 had flowed into the air in our living roor or into the reel to reel tape recorder (also valve based, of course) whith wich I would record what I could not buy, either for lack of resources, or sheer local unavailability. 

Then, one day, for my sister's birthday, dad bought onbe of those combos with a turntable, a radio and even a cassette recorder...... and, most of all, two dettached loudspeakers...what an upgrade...

Valves, the source of wonder, were already being replaced by transistors at the time, but the Phillips reel to reel had one which emmited a green light that I found absolutely mesmerising....

The 4 stamps on the  cover themed on vintage radios and valves (1,25; 1,85; 1,95 and 2,55 reais were issued on 14FEB2018 in as souvenir sheet which also contained a couple of vignettes. When folded by the perforations the lot  could be assembled into a miniature vintage radio cabinet. Quite spiffy.

The definitive stamp with a Manicurist, (1 RS) belongs to the second definitive issue of the Professions series and it began to circulate on 06NOV2006.

As customary with Luis' covers this one was posted in the city of  São Paulo.

Tuesday, 17 December 2024


Postcrossing Postcard sent on the 30th June, received on the 3rd December 2024.

Postcard image: A phantasy scene


Cut and Paste, the miracle technology of the late 20th century....  I did paste, but I did not cut....

And so Post regarding Postcard 171 disssolved into cyber oblivion for ever, and ever, hallelujah, hallelujah.....

I am so sorry, but I will not try to reconstruct the post. Have to move on and time is a scarce comodity.

Here's the card, of which I remeber saying without any ill intention towards Olga who kindly sent it to me in the best of intentions, that post cards with phantasy images were not my preferred type of cards.

Still the stamps were totally to my liking and I also remeber having thanked Olga for her care and attention.

The 40 Ruble stamp was issued on 10MAR2020, celebrating the life of Hero of the Soviet Union - Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub (1920-1991), fighter pilot and triple Hero of the Soviet Union. the highest scoring WW2 pilot with more than 60 victories to his credit. It shows his portrait with a Lavochkin La-5 the type of aircraft in which he score most of his victories.

The 45 Ruble stamp, issued on 10MAR2023, celebrates a pedagogue on the bicentenary of his birth: Konstantin Ushinsky, (1823 - 1871) considered to be the father of Scientific pedagogy in Russia. 

Again the stamp is illustrated with his effigy with a classroom on the background.

As far as I can tell, the postmark indiocates that the card was mailed from Moscow.

Sunday, 15 December 2024


Postmark: Portsmouth 20.11.2024

Posted on the 20th November; Received on the 8th December 2024


Well, it's that time of the year again. 

There was a time when next to the little Nativity Scene at our place we would put all the cards tat friends and family would send us with their kind wishes for the Season and the New Year. 

Then came email....

But, be it as it might, I still get one or two cards every year, and none more beautiful that those that my friend Fraser keeps sending, created by himself with his amazing drawing and humouristic skills.

Thanks again Fraser! I trully enjoy your amazing cards!

Fraser used one of the 5 "British cathedrals" stamps issued by Royal mails as the year's Xmas issue on 05NOV2024.

The 2.8 £ stamp is illustrated with the image of Westminster cathedral, a rather recent religious landmark at the heart of London, since the first stone was only laid in 5 years away from the end of the 19th century, i.e., 1895, the building being completed in 1902.

The mechanical postmark is rather blotched but it is possible to see that the letter was mailed from Portsmouth.

I can't resist showing Fraser's card here, which as usual is full of humour and actuality.

All the best dear friends!

Wednesday, 11 December 2024


Postmark: Sovrano Militare Ordine di Malta -  Poste Magistrali . Giorno di emissione - 30º Anniversario Relazoni Diplomatiche con la Republica di Bulgaria 11.11.2024

Posted on the 11th November; Received on the 5th December 2024


It is amazing how ignorant one can still be in a world where information is constantly colliding with our sensitive cells as if we were but a passive receiver of something I would call "infonemae", elementary particles of information.

I have heard of the Order of Malta before. I have been to Malta. I knew both had to be obviously linked. But I never cared to dig further. And I should have.... 

If I had done it, I would not have made a fool of myself when I thanked Eric for the great cover he so kindly sent me from the palace where the Order has the Seat of its Government - The Magistral Palace - which in conjunction with another historic building - the Magistral Vila - both located in Rome, Italy, and the upper part of  fort St. Angelo,  in Birgu, Malta,  in  practice coincide with its sovereign territory, although the order, in spite of having observer status at the UN,  cannot be considered as a state by itself... 

In truth, when I opened up my letterbox and saw a cover with a beautiful stamp bearing a legend that contained the word "Malta" and  two flags, one which I immediately recognised as the Bulgarian flag and the other I mistook for the Maltese flag, which I knew to be red and white, I thought to myself "Nice. It has been a while since I got mail from Malta and on top of that it's looks like a joint issue, great!"

So I wrote Eric a quick note (well not so quick for the message bounced a couple of times, I know not why), thanking him for my Maltese cover, and telling him how much I was happy to have it.

As usual, Eric answered me promptly and made me look again with due attention and a strongly blushed face to the cover he had so kindly sent me and which I had completely overlooked in detail....

And so I turned to the usual sources of information, and gathered that the origins of the Order of Malta, or in full, the  Sovereign Military Hospitaller Order of Saint John of Jerusalem, of Rhodes and of Malta goes back to the time of the crusades (well, that much I suspected, even before I confirmed it....), more precisely the 1st crusade, when, in 1099, the Knights Hospitaller order was founded, of which it claims to be the rightful successor.

The connection of the Order, which at present mostly acts in the field of international humanitarian assistance, with Malta dates back to 1530, when possession of the Mediterranean Island was granted to the Order by the Holy Roman Emperor Charles V.

There it would be headquartered for almost  270 years until, in 1798, Napoleon, on his way to the Egypt campaign, occupied the Island, which would remain in French possession for two years, until 1980.

Expelled by the French occupants, the order members were scattered throughout Europe, although the official recognition of the loss of Malta by the Order  would only come in the Congress of Vienna of 1815, which lay the bases for modern day Europe (well, we all know what ensued next ….).

In 1834 the Seat of the Order was definitively moved from Ferrara where it had been since 1826 to Rome, where it stands to the present day in the already mentioned Magistral Palace.

Within the prerogatives of its rather uncommon international juridical status, the Order of Malta can and does issue currency and stamps, the later being usable for correspondence franking to 58 countries, (Portugal included) under bi-lateral postal agreements, I suppose. The operational side of the services is carried out by Poste Italiane, under agreement.

As a side note, Eric mentioned that France does not have a postal agreement with the Order, and I suspect that Napoleon is to be blamed for that 😀.

As already mentioned, the 3,5€ stamp on the cover, issued on 11NOV2024,  illustrated with the flags of the Order and the Republic of  Bulgaria, over a map of the later,  was issued to celebrate the 30th anniversary of  formal mutual diplomatic relations, which were established on the 11th November 1994, the Order having opened an embassy in Bulgaria in 2005.

Although the stamp concept would lead us to think to be in the presence of a joint emission, I could not find on the list of Bulgarian issues for the year its counterpart, so my theory in this respect was decidely flopped....

Sunday, 8 December 2024


Postcard sent on the 29th November, received on the 10th December 2024

Postcard image: Hluboká Castle


Michal surprised me with another of his beautiful and always appreciated postcards. Děkuji mnohokrát, Michal.

This time he sent me a beautiful image from the Tudoresque looking castle of Hluboká, located in the town of Hluboká nad Vltavou, in south Bohemia.

For ease of explanation I'll quote directly from the postcard's legend:

"Originally royal castle from the 13th century, later reconstructed. The present neo-gothic appearance dates from  reconstruction in "Tudor Gothic" based on Windsor Castle and comes from the period of culminating romanticism."

In fact I wouldn't be surprised to see Henry the VIII chasing a potential 7th wife in the castle gardens, given the decidedly Tudoresque aura of the building.

Michal used a tariff E stamp part of a two same tariff stamp set issued on 12OCT2022 in celebration of LIBEREC 2002 European Stamp Exhibition and Polar Salon, held in Liberec between 13 and 16 October 2022.  Faithful to the theme of the exhibition, the stamp is illustrated with a bunch of stamp and letter carrying emperor penguins.

The companion stamp on the set can be seen here, on postcard 163 .

The postmark hails from the city of  Cesky Budejovice.

Friday, 6 December 2024

COVER N. 539 - USA

Postmark: North Pole,AK 99705 09.10.2024

Posted on the 9th October; Received on the 3rd December 2024


Couldn't be more in season.... December has come and I'm already receiving correspondence from the North Pole.....😀

Thanks a lot A.W. both for the very carefully laid out cover  and the nice stamps inside. Truly appreciated it.

A. W.'s nice cover was purposefully sent on World Post Day, as the label affixed on the cover clearly points out.

The stamps used are part of the  twenty Forever self-adhesive stamps dedicated to Joel Sartore's  Photo Ark Project issued by USPS on 19MAY2023.

I took a quick look at the Photo Ark's website and by today 16,003 species have already been photographed and documented for eternity. Just as a curious side note, when I received the first cover using any of these stamps, in 2023, in June last year, the website counter showed 14,000, so a couple thousand  more have been added since.

The stamps feature photos in the classic black background Photo Ark scheme, of the following animals (clockwise from the top of the envelope):

- Key Largo cotton mouse (Peromyscus gossypinus allapaticola).

This rodent of the Crecetidae family is a subspecies of P. gossypinus, endemic to Key Largo, in the United States of America.

Urban development in its distribution area with the consequent habitat loss is the reason why this species is labelled as "At Risk" by the American Fish and  Wildlife Service.

- Black footed ferret (Mustela nigripes) 

Once declares extinct, this member of the Mustelidae family has been slowly making its comeback after the discovery in Wyoming of a residual population in 1981 and now more than 200 individuals exist in the wild. Still a number that does not prevent it from being classified by the IUCN as "Endangered".

- Vancouver Island Marmot (Marmota vancouverensis)

A rodent of the Sciuridae family, is one of the only 5 species of land mammals that are endemic to Canada.

After also having been in the brink of extinction, with only 32 adults in the wild in 2006, thanks to a continuous protection programme the numbers of  wild Vancouver marmots have been slowly rising, with 250 individuals being counted by the end of 2021. Still IUCN considers the species as “Critically Endangered".

Florida Panther (Puma concolor couguar)

Once thought to be a subspecies of the american cougar, genetic studies have led to the conclusion that  Florida Panthers are members of a cougar population inhabiting South Florida, with only 200 individuals believed to exist in the wild.

As a result of this reclassification, the Florida Panther which appeared as Puma concolor coryi in the IUCN lists as Endangered or Critically Endangered is no longer registered, but continues to be considered as an endangered species under the American Endangered Species Act of 1973.

Mexican wolf (Canis lupus baileyi)

This subspecies of the grey wolf once inhabited areas of eastern and southeastern Arizona and western and southern New Mexico as well as fragmented areas of northern Mexico. 

Given their extremely now numbers at some point, American and Mexican environmental agencies collaborated to save the species from extinction and all the existing individuals in the wild (five in total,  four male and one pregnant female) were captured in 1976 and, once put in protection centres, these formed the nucleus for developing a growing population which led to 11 individuals being again released into the wild in 1988, in Arizona. 

By 2024, the total population numbers 257 individuals in the United States, 45 in Mexico and 380 in captive breeding programmes. 

The Mexican Wolf is considered to be “Critically Imperilled” in the NatureServe classification system.

The Postmark hails from North Pole, a city in the Fairbanks North Star Borough, in the state of Alaska, with a population of approximately 2250 inhabitants.

Wednesday, 4 December 2024


Postmark: ORLI Praha 8 22.11.2024

Posted on the 22nd November; Received on the 3rd December 2024


Děkuji mnohokrát, Ivan, for  another cover graced with the lovely nature history stamps the Czech Republic has been issuing for some years now. I really like them!

This year, the lovely natural history souvenir sheet was dedicated to "the young in our nature" and the stamps ares thus superbly (as usual) illustrated with paintings of juveniles of several mammal species, under the caring gaze of their mothers.

The sheet, issued on 04SEP2024, comprises 4 stamps (34, 27, 31, 38 koruna) and two vignettes. The 34 k stamp, on the cover features a lovely red squirell (Sciurus vulgaris), a common sight in much of Eurasia, in coniferous forests in northern europe and siberia and broad-leaved woods in western and southern Europe. 

In my own country red squirrels were extinct by the 16th century. Still they made a comeback, after the 80's of last century, when they started to be seen again in the forests up north, bordering the Spanish Galicia region. 

In Lisbon, following a successful intrductuon programe that took place in the 90s,  they can also be found in Monsanto Park, the city's largest green "lung".

The vignette attached to the stamps bears an image of mama garden dormouse (Eliomys quercinus) and one of her babies (its siblings must be hidding somewhere for litters have up to seven little mice). 

As usual, the frame of the sheet is also magnificently illustrated and on the particular piece attached to the stamp on the cover, further to papa squirell, a baby Eurasian golden oriole (Oriolus oriolus) rests in its nest under the protective watch of its father. Golden Orioles in Portugal are called papa-figos (fig-eater) for they love to feed on these sweet fruits.

Butterflies arfe also the kind of creatures that really tickle my fancy.... not only the gracefully fly  as if untouched by gravity, but most of the times their wings are absolute masterpieces of abstract art.

 Beginning in 2020, Czech Post has been issueing every once in a while a series of definitive stamps featuring butterfly illustrations (again, superb, in spite of their small size). The 1 koruna stamp  featuring  an Orange Tip (Anthocharis cardamines), a member of the Pieridae family which can be found all over Europe was issued on 15FEB2021; The 4 koruna stamp, issued on 07OCT2020 bears the illustration of a Colias croceus, a member of the Pieridae family present all over Europe and is a large part of Asia;  The 5 koruna stamp was issued on 18OCT2024, showcases a silver-washed fritillary (Argynnis paphia), a member of the  Nymphalidae family which is also a common sight in much of Europe and Asia, up to Japan.

The special postmark, dated of 22.11.2024,  was issued in connection with an issue of  a booklet of personalised stamps dedicated to Eagles (Orli, in Czech). 

Monday, 2 December 2024


Postmark: Tristan da Cunha South Atlantic 17.09.2024

Posted on the 17th September; Received on the 28th November 2024


Of all the remote inhabited places, this is said to be the remotest. Tristan da Cunha (or Tristão da Cunha, to put it right according to the nationality of the Portuguese sailor/explorer who first set eyes on the archipelago, in 1506, and chose to name it after his own self) is a group of 6 islands located in the South Atlantic, some 2800 km to the West of the African continent.

And if proof of its remoteness was needed, it would suffice to say that the circuit  which the letter I now received initiated is dated of February 2023, the day when Roland probably sent the letter to the postal services of the Archipelago in order to have it dispatched to me.... that is, 1 year and 9 months ago....

This notwithstanding, the journey from Tristan da Cunha to Portugal was rather swift, since it only took two and a half months.

I couldn't be more happy for having the opportunity to add this interesting piece to my collection. Mon très grand Merci, Roland, por cette surprise magnifique!

I can't even think of how living on such a remote place must be challenging, in a number of ways. The more so since up to 2003, I read, foreigners were not allowed to establish themselves on the island (and thus contribute to some genetic refreshment of the population, who share but nine family names). 

I remember, as a child, living in an Island with not that much population and few services (no television, no education past the 9th grade, no surgeries in the hospital, temporary absence of some food items, especially in the winter, whet the seas were rough and the island could not be supplied by ship, and so on) but we were but 1300 km from the continent AND we had an airport, what meant but a couple of hours flight to the mainland, something which, I understand, Tristan da Cunha, which lies more than double the distance from the continent, does not have.... and I don’t think there is any existing helicopter with that kind of range….

Still our species is composed of decidedly resilient beings and we can adapt to a vast number of  challenging living conditions, the more so when technology can really help bridge distances, but nonetheless there has to be a moment when all that remoteness exerts a tremendous pressure on you... I think of myself at 18 or 19, interraling through Europe; the ease with which my daughters now fly from here to the place they want to go to or visit.... no rail services in Tristan da Cunha... no low cost flights either....

Stamps, on par with lobster, are the most important sources of revenue from external commerce for Tristan da Cunha Administration, and the themes chosen for the issues do mostly reflect a connection with natural history or the history of the islands or its affiliation with the British Crown.

The 45 p stamp on the left is part of set of 4 stamps issued on 14JULY2021,  part of the "Shark" series, which add also another four stamp issue in 2020. 

The stamp is illustrated with a photo of a Bluntnose Sixgill Shark (Hexanchus griseus), a species which can be found in temperate and tropical waters all over the world and can measure up to 6 metres in length.

Ships play an important part on Tristan da Cunha life, as its main connection with the rest of the world. As such it is not surprising that this is also a theme quite well represented in the archipelago's issues.

The 10 p stamp is part of a thirteen definitive stamp set issued on 14DEC2020, dedicated to Modern Mail Ships. it is illustrated with a photo of MV RSA, South Africa's first antarctic supply ship, a  1572 gross ton vessel, built by the Fujinagata Shipbuilding and Engineering Company, in Osaka, Japan, launched on 28 September 1961. 

According to the date on the stamp, it provided  services to the Islands between 1963 and 1977. 

In 1980 MV RSA was transformed into a static training ship for merchant seamen and it was moored in Cape Town docks. It was later partially scrapped and then sunk, when asbestos was found to be present on it.

Further to the very clear local Postmark, the cover is marred by un unfortunate mechanical cancellation, applied probably somewhere in the UK, while in transit to Portugal.