To open my mailbox like someone opening a surprise box and to feel the pleasure of discovery unleashed by an envelope decorated with stamps.
To be part of the world and also to discover it this way, with the help of those who share this vision.

Sunday, 2 February 2025


Postmark: A C Central SE/SPM 20.01.2025

Posted on the 20th January; Received on the 31st January 2025


Luis kindly sends me a cover to follow up on the theme started with cover #542: Radio. Muito obrigado Luis, pela interessante emissão (o vocábulo não poderia estar mais adaptado 😀)

The 100 years of Radio in Brazil. A theme that can really relate to a stamp "emission", as I told Luis in our common language, above.

Radio, the harbinger of news;, the company for the evening; the connection to the world, both before and after TV, in those places where it was not available, such as I experienced for years as a child.

Radio, the magic box that exposed me to the music I came to love through author's programs that were a immensely far cry from the hours and hours of publisher dominated play lists which today fill wave after wave with the same pre-fabricated hits, that have more to do with selling the highly stereotyped looks of an "artist" that with "Music" itself.

Radio, an old technology which I think will still be around until the day when cars will be fully autonomous, self-driven.

In fact, I think that the lifebuoy for radio has been the fact that we cannot take our eyes from the road (or at least one shouldn't....) when driving. I would imagine that most of the radio that is heard is by drivers, their auditorium being the confinement of their cars while commuting to and from work.....

Until that day comes, I will still turn on the radio in my car or here in my work desk, where I can hear emissions from all over the world thanks to, a rather curious platform that allows us to do just that.

In fact, as I type, I'm listening to Antena 1 FM 94.7 in S. Paulo, as a tribute to Luis.... who knows if he's listening to it too right now 😀.

As I read on the AESP - Associação das Emissoras Rádio e Televisão do Estado de São Paulo  (Radio and Television  Broadcasters Association:

"Officially, Radio was born in Brazil on the 7th September 1922, during the celebrations of the Independence centenary, with the long distance wireless transmission of president's Epitácio Pessoa allocution for the inauguration of the Brazilian radiotelephony."

Precisely 100 years to that moment, on 07SEP2022, Correios do Brasil issued a 4 x 3,25 reais minisheet celebrating the occasion. When together, the four se-tenant stamps which Luis used on this interesting cover  bear the image of a an old radio circular display over which an old fashioned  radio and a radio reporter are superimposed.

Luis also glued onto the cover  the remaining graphic elements of the minisheet, namely the logo for the commemorations of the centenary and another radio display, again with "frequencies" ranging from 1922 to 2022, as it was the case on the stamps themselves.

As usual on Luis' covers, the postmark hails from the central Post Office from the city of São Paulo.

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