To open my mailbox like someone opening a surprise box and to feel the pleasure of discovery unleashed by an envelope decorated with stamps.
To be part of the world and also to discover it this way, with the help of those who share this vision.

Sunday 30 June 2024


Postmark: Charles Aznavour First Day 0010 Yeravan 30.05.2024

Posted on ?; received on the 25th June 2024


"The postman always rings twice", so they say, and twice he rang...

Well ring is not the right verb here, I admit, but on the same day, I got two nice First day Covers from Armenia, and this time I have to Thank Stéphane and Alex, for kindly sending me a cove that gracefully complements the Charles Aznavour French FDC's  I got from Eric and Stépahne and Alex.

A great many thanks, Guys. 

As I stated a propos the French Aznavour covers, Charles Aznavour is highly regarded in te country of his ancestry, the more so after the humanitarian role he played through the Association Aznavour and later the Aznavour Foundation, in the wake of the terrible earthquake of 1998 in the then Soviet Socialist Republic Of Armenia, which attained a magnitude of 6.9 in  the Richter scale, causing   between 25000 and 50000 deaths and 130000 injured.

Remembering this relevant figure of the French song but also of the cinema and politics (after gaining Armenian citizenship in 2008 he was appointed ambassador of this country to Switzerland and Armenia's permanent delegate to the UN at Geneva), HayPost isued on 30MAY2024 a single 500 dram souvenir sheet, of which 4 examples can be sen on the cover,  obliterated with the First Day Postmark, issued at Yerevan, Armenia's capital.

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