To open my mailbox like someone opening a surprise box and to feel the pleasure of discovery unleashed by an envelope decorated with stamps.
To be part of the world and also to discover it this way, with the help of those who share this vision.

Tuesday 24 September 2024


Postmark: Headquarters P. O. Colombo Mail 10.09.24

Posted on the 10th September; Received on the 17th September 2024


Another cover with stamps from the lovely waterfall set issued by Sri Lanka Post as its first issue for the current year. Bohomȧ  sthoothi, Ravi!

The waterfall set was issued on 02FEB2024 and it comprises ten 50 rupee stamps. With the addition of the present three, I believe I'm only missing one of them, thanks to the care and generosity of Ravindra.

From left to right:

Lover's Leap Ella waterfall

Lover's Leap Waterfall is fed with water coming from Pidurutalagala Mountain, the highest in Sri Lanka and  one that is the subject to one of the postcards Ravindra has also sent me and which I have been posting here on my blog.

It is 30 metres high, being located in Nuwara Eliya’s countryside and it gets its name from a legend that says that two forbidden lovers chose it to plunge to their deaths, so that they could be together forever.

Dunsinane Ella Waterfall

Having as its closest urban conglomerate the town of Pundalu Oya, this seldom visited waterfall is 100 metres high and cascades downs several steps into the river which bears the same name as the aforementioned closest town: Pundalu Oya.

 Aberdeen Ella Warterefall

Water drops from an height of 98 metres in this waterfall located on the Kehelgamu Oya, near Ginigathena, being named in honour of... you've guessed it, the well known Scottish city of Aberdeen.

As usual, the postmark is from Colombo's PO Headquarters.

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