To open my mailbox like someone opening a surprise box and to feel the pleasure of discovery unleashed by an envelope decorated with stamps.
To be part of the world and also to discover it this way, with the help of those who share this vision.

Wednesday 25 September 2024


Postmark: 26th July - 11th Aug. 2024 Paris Olympic games Paris 2024 560 0C1 Bengaluru 26.07.2024

Posted on the 26th July; Received on the 19th September 2024


A cover with a bit of a mystery. In fact, it was addressed to me as a member of the London Cover Circuit, but inside there was no circuit form, just some philatelic items. Anyway, Thanks a lot A. V., I'll be sure to reply some time soon.

India's team for the Olympics which took place in Paris this last summer, included 110 athletes competing in 16 disciplines. 

By the night of the closing ceremony, India ranked 71st in the list of countries with athletes being awarded medals, with a total of 6 prizes: 1 silver (men's javelin throw) and 5 bronze (3 for shooting, one for men's field hockey and one for men's freestyle wrestling) medals.

Celebrating its participation of India in the Games, India Post issued on 26JUL2024 the 4 x 5 rupee stamps souvenir sheet on the cover. The stamps are illustrated with images of 4 disciplines of the Olympic menu, namely sailing, javelin throw, field hockey and table tennis.

At the height pf the Covid pandemic in India Post  issued a 4 x 10 Rupee mini-sheet themed on "Combat Corona Campaign - Salute to COVID-19 Warriors". The stamp on the cover, part of this issue, features an illustration of two of the many postal workers, who ensured postal services were maintained all through those difficult times.

The letter was mailed from Bangalore (Bengaluru) the capital of the State of Kamataka, in the South of the country.

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