To open my mailbox like someone opening a surprise box and to feel the pleasure of discovery unleashed by an envelope decorated with stamps.
To be part of the world and also to discover it this way, with the help of those who share this vision.

Friday 27 September 2024


Postmark: Ile Tromelin - Iles Éparses T.A.A.F 06.09.2024

Posted on the 26th July; Received on the 19th September 2024


I imagine that for all the multidisciplinary experts that live for a few months in the scientific bases established in such remote places as the Kerguelen, Crozet and Amsterdam/Saint Paul Islands, all territories part of the French Southern and Antarctic Lands (TAAF), a visit to the grocer's shop for a pack of butter or to the office supplies centre for an ink cartridge is way out of question. And yet, these valiant boys and girls have to be fed and provided with all the comforts (well, at least the very essential)  needed for an everyday life as normal as the situation allows for, and, at the end of their missions, rotated back to where they usually belong.

This is one of the important roles that one of the world's largest oceanographic ships provides, in complement to its mission as research vessel (and also, I read, as tourist ship, accommodating up to 14 passengers for a 28 day journey to the islands...if ever I win the lottery, count me in....)

Upon opening my mailbox a couple of days ago, I had this amazing cover, posted from this impressive vessel in the cold sub-Antarctic seas lurking there. Thank you so much, Jeff. You really made my day!

Other than the  regular post office postmark applied at the Island of Tromelin (one of the scattered Islands, located off and around  the coast of Madagascar) the envelope is absolutely laden on the front and the back with the personal cachets of several members of the crew. Those that can be identified are: the ship's Captain - who also autographed the cover - Commandant Ganor Ginat; Communications Officer Vanessa Larose; The "Vaguemestre" for Tromelin island (not identified by name); Telecommunications manager Florent Payet and the Chef of Crozet island Anne-Adelaïde Lasbareilles.

As usual a square mark with the coordinates of where the postmark was applied  is also present, along with a few stampmarks pertaining to the vessel itself.

The stamp Jeff used is the same I commented on post regarding cover 499, issued on 02JAN2024,  illustrated with an image of  the La Dauphine, a Corvette built in 1773.

The Marion Dufresne
Image credit: DATA TERRA

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